Dianthus 'Fusilier'
£5.90An alpine pink and one of S.T. Byatt's military series for the rock garden. Very fragrant blooms and... [full details]
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Proceed To CheckoutA beautiful, if rarely-seen plant, it deserves to be more widely grown. It flowers reliably year after year, it's not pushy or invasive, is not fussy about soil or situation and is fully hardy. Photographed is the plant growing in the Oxford Botanic Gardens.
Heads of ornamental, rich blue flowers which are larger, and open for longer than most other varieties, and narrow lance shaped foliage.
A most desirable native of Greece and Asia Minor. Good at the front of a border as single specimens or planted in groups to form a large clump.
Blue star-shaped flowers in May and June. Easy to grow and slug and snail resistant.
Named after Charles Amson, an 18th-century physician from Virginia.
Height: 50cm
Common name(s): Eastern Blue Star
Amsonias prefer moist soils, but grow well in most garden soils. Drier conditions reduce the height of the plant, but they will flower well every year. They grow in full sun or semi-shade - but in drier situations they are happiest in semi-shade.
Syn: Rhazya orientalis.