Autumn is here

Autumn is here

The clocks go back this weekend and this usually signals the start of autumn proper in our neck of the woods. Leaves are already turning wonderful colours and falling in large numbers at every breath of wind and our thoughts are turning to propagating spring plants, such as violas, primulas and anemones.

Jobs at the nursery this month include repotting plants, dividing herbaceous perennials and sowing seeds. We are also expanding our growing space and keeping fit by spreading 30 tonnes of gravel with a shovel and wheelbarrow. At least we'll be able to eat a few extra chocolates at Christmas without feeling too guilty!

Although our instincts may be to retreat indoors at this time of year, gardeners know that autumn is a superb time to plant perennials, while the soil is still warm from the summer sun, but moist from autumn rain. Plants put in the ground now will have time to develop a strong root system before the ground freezes and really take off next spring, giving a bigger and better display next year compared with spring planting. If you have gaps in your borders, or a new bed to plant, take advantage of autumn discounts and get new plants into the ground now.

Speaking of discounts, we have a large number of discounted plants at the moment, and for this weekend only, we are also offering 25% off all our Old Fashioned Pinks (discount is applied when you add to the Basket). We have over 60 different Pinks (Dianthus) available now, so it's an ideal opportunity to stock up.

All our plants can be planted when you receive them, or left in their pots in a sheltered corner until spring, if you prefer to wait until then. We are currently dispatching orders within 3-6 days, so you can be sure of quick delivery.