Helianthus 'Miss Mellish'
£4.90Helianthus are vigorous perennials which grow well in the garden and need some space. Awarded the RH... [full details]
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Proceed To CheckoutA vigorous clump-forming geranium with mid-pink pompom shaped flowers held above light-green foliage. The narrow petals are divided creating a semi-double effect and the first and last flowers of the season are often single. Blooms from late spring to early autumn.
A tough-as-old-boots variety for a sunny or lightly shaded spot.
Known for being loved by bees and other pollinators.
Height and Spread: 40x 40cm
Myth and Legend
Apparently, the Prophet Mohammed, whilst resting beside a stream, decided to wash his shirt in the water. Having done so, he spread his shirt out to dry on a bed of mallows that grew close by and then lay down and slept. As he slept, a miraculous transformation occurred. First the mallows blushed with pleasure at having the opportunity to serve the great man. Then, by the time he awoke, the mallows had all been transformed into cranesbills.
Traditionally, cranesbills offer protection against snakes and serpents. Hence the following country rhyme:
Snakes will not go
Where geraniums grow.
Dreaming of geraniums is meant to be a sign that you need not worry about a recent quarrel, as it meant nothing and will soon be forgotten.
Common name(s): Hardy geranium