Spring Bulb Collection
£18.90An easy way to quickly establish a wildflower area in the garden and perfect for under decideous tre... [full details]
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Proceed To CheckoutThe Tree Lupin. A sub-shrub with highly scented flowers. Still not often seen in gardens in the UK, this is well worth growing and becomes a talking point. Produces branching stems with silvery-green foliage from a stout trunk. Fragrant yellow flowers, much loved by bees and butterflies are produced throughout the summer.
Fully hardy and remains semi-evergreen in mild winters.
Height: 2m
Common name: Tree Lupin
Lupinus arboreus
The Tree Lupin was brought from California in 1793 and is one of the parents of the garden lupin we know today.
Photo: By Clickie (talk) (Uploads) - Own work, CC BY 2.5