Hedera helix 'Dyinnii' (dwarf Ivy)
£5.50Possibly the smallest ivy in the world! An attractive, dwarf and compact ivy which makes an excellen... [full details]
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Proceed To CheckoutAspect: Full Sun
Soil Type: Mainly dry
Soil Type: Moist But Well-Drained
Colour: Blue
This is an interesting variety of Rosemary, which has all the usual Rosemary characteristics but the aromatic foliage has strong undertones of ginger. A must for any well-stocked herb garden.
Rosemary is an excellent herb for the garden. Lovely to look at and catch the scent of, it is also of course invaluable for the cook of the household and can also be used to enhance bouquets of home-grown flowers.
Forms a good-sized bush and is covered in blue flowers in early summer.
Grow in full sun, in well-drained soil, in a border or large container.
Rosemary has many uses in the kitchen.
The herb's cultivation and use by man goes back to prehistory, and it has been known in Britain since the 13th century. The ancient Greeks believed it had the power to strengthen memory and thus it became a symbol of remembrance and has been used throughout the centuries as an adornment at weddings, religious festivals and other gatherings. It has also been used to ward off black magic and was put under pillows to prevent nightmares.
It is traditional to plant rosemary outside cottage windows and it was widely used as topiary in Elizabethan times. Rosemary wood was used to make lutes.
Height and spread: 1m x 1m
Common name: Ginger Rosemary
Photo: Margalob, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons