Camassia leichtlinii 'Alba' (Wild White Hyacinth)
£5.50A statuesque late-spring flower with spires of creamy-white flowers which last for a long time. Bee... [full details]
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Proceed To CheckoutAspect: Full Shade
Aspect: Light/Partial Shade
Aspect: Full Sun
Soil Type: Most Types
Colour: Yellow
A beautiful and very useful evergreen ground cover which will flourish in sun or shade. Glossy green leaves, contrast nicely with sprays of golden yellow strawberry flowers in spring. Spreading habit but not invasive.
Excellent ground cover for under trees and shrubs.
Rabbit resistant. A useful source of pollen for early bees.
Height and spread: 15cm x 60cm
Common name: Siberian waldsteinia
Photo: Wouter Hagens [CC BY-SA]