British Bluebells
British Bluebells are steeped in tradition, myth and legend and are a joy to behold in spring.
A wish made when you see the first bluebell open in spring will come true. It is said that if you turn a bluebell flower inside out without tearing it, you will win the heart of the one you love.
To ensure good luck, you should pick a bluebell and conceal it in your shoe, saying:
Bluebell, bluebell, bring me some luck, Before tomorrow night.
To dream of bluebells is an ill omen as it indicates that you will have a nagging spouse and in Scotland, there is a legend that if you hear the Bluebell ring it is ringing your death knell and you will die shortly afterwards. Consequently one of the local names in Scotland is 'Death Bell'. Don't let this put you off though!
It was said that at daybreak, Bluebells would ring to call the faeries back to their homes. The bells are held upright and night and and then 'nod' forwards at the first ray of sun, ringing the start of each day.
Bluebell flowers were traditionally worn on St George's Day.
Other common names from around the country include Wood bells, Fairy flowers, Wild hyacinth, Auld man's bell, Bell bottle, Blue bonnets, Bummuck, Calverkeys, Granfer-Grigglesticks, Locks and Keys, Pride of the woods, Single Gussies, Cookoo's Stockings and Ring o' bells.
We sell potted Native British Bluebells (available all year) and 'in-the-green' bulbs (available only in winter/early spring). Be aware that many places sell Spanish Bluebells, which are not native and can be invasive.