Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow'
£4.90An excellent ground cover which really stands out in winter.Forms spreading mound of green-grey leav... [full details]
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Many of the plants we sell will grow happily in full or partial shade, but here we list some which positively thrive in shady conditions. These plants can bring a dark, dismal corner of the garden to life, often displaying vibrant foliage or bright flowers. Some plants prefer a dry shady spot, others a damp shady spot and still others aren't fussy. Where appropriate we have listed a plants preferred conditions in the details, to assist you in your choice.
An excellent ground cover which really stands out in winter.Forms spreading mound of green-grey leav... [full details]
Ideal ground cover for a shady area. Large, glossy, bronze-purple leaves with dense, upright spires... [full details]
An extremely dwarf Ajuga with masses of blue flowers in spring.Narrow bronze-green foliage provides... [full details]
The most beautiful Ajuga we know of and not often seen. Striking spires of lovely pink flowers held... [full details]
A less common form of Bugle, which is a fantastic ground cover plant.Forms spreading mound of green-... [full details]
This is our native wild relation to the onion and garlic. Milder in taste and smell than cultivated... [full details]
This is our native wild relation to the onion and garlic. Milder in taste and smell than cultivated... [full details]
Beautiful ivory-white flowers in spring and often early summer, which become attractive silken seed... [full details]
Lovely red flowers in spring and often early summer, which become attractive silken seed heads. Feat... [full details]
A rarely offered cultivar from our native wood anemone, with fully double blue eyed flowers.Good for... [full details]
An old and unusual version of our native wood anemone, having green tips to the white petals. The fl... [full details]
The double-flowered version of our native wood anemone. Pure white double flowers in early spring. L... [full details]
An old variety found by William Robinson in The Oxford Botanic Gardens in 1880s. Taller than most wi... [full details]
A lovely, vigorous anemone with deep blue flowers from early to late spring. The quality of the flow... [full details]
An unusual form in which instead of petals the flower is made up of tight green leaves. The flowers... [full details]
This lovely native wildflower of open woodland and shady margins has starry off-white flowers waving... [full details]
Our native Wood Anemone. Available as bare-root Rhizomes only in winter. You are buying ten Rhizome... [full details]
A lovely little semi-double (despite the name) woodland Anemone. Deeply cut deep green foliage makes... [full details]
A beautiful, butter creamy-yellow anemone. This is a lovely native hybrid wood anemone between Anem... [full details]
Marbled pale green zones on arrow shaped leaves. In spring pale green flowers appear well above the... [full details]
The Italian Arum Lily, brought to this country in 1683. A striking plant with bold cream markings al... [full details]
Astrantias have flower heads resembling a domed pincushion, set in a star of spiky bracts. They thri... [full details]
Astrantias have flower heads resembling a domed pincushion, set in a star of spiky bracts. They thri... [full details]
A beautiful flower from North America, which is not often see here in the UK. It's a superb Cardamin... [full details]
A charming little woodlander from Central and Southern Europe. It forms a neat mound of evergreen tr... [full details]
A hardy alpine succulent, closely related to sedum but more suited to shady gardens. A clump-forming... [full details]
This semi-evergreen ground cover deserves to be wider known. Beautiful golden-yellow flowers adorn t... [full details]
A stunning new Corydalis with electric blue flowers over a long period. A really eye-catching plant... [full details]
An easy-to-grow, tuberous plant with eye-catching spires of coral-pink blooms in late spring. Attrac... [full details]
Cyclamen hederifolium is often the first sign of Autumn when its charming pink flowers push their wa... [full details]
Cyclamen hederifolium is often the first sign of Autumn when its flowers push their way above ground... [full details]
An exotic looking, spectacular plant that brings to mind Wyndham's 'The Day of the Triffids'. Unusua... [full details]
A beautiful rare foxglove from Turkey. Strong stems of creamy white flowers delicately veined. Coffe... [full details]
A rare and beautiful Foxglove from the Caucasus. Dainty, bearing spires of bell shaped cream flowers... [full details]
This is a rather unusual species, featuring tall, towering wands of honey-brown flowers in the summe... [full details]
A striking foxglove with orange and pink, large-lipped, bell-shaped flowers all summer long. Native... [full details]
Spikes of yellow foxglove flowers above neat clumps of green leaves. Good for cutting and using in b... [full details]
A compact foxglove, that produces rich chocolate-brown flowers, each with a purple-brown lip, on den... [full details]
The elegant, white form of our native foxglove with snow-white flower spikes. Perfect for cottage ga... [full details]
Very rarely offered in nurseries, this plant is quite curious and noted in the herbals of the 17th c... [full details]
Our native foxglove with speckled purple flower spikes. Perfect for cottage garden schemes but equal... [full details]
A lovely foxglove with large, soft unusual crushed-strawberry flowers that rise above a rosette of f... [full details]
An unusual and uncommon evergreen relative of the Solomon's Seal. Very useful for a shady spot in th... [full details]
Slender stems bearing pretty fresh green leaves which are broadly striped with cream. Creamy-white b... [full details]
A neat and compact selection compared to some of its lankier relations, making it perfect for the fr... [full details]
Leopard's bane is one of the few daisy family members to bloom in spring, and usually manages to coi... [full details]
This is the purple-leafed version of the Wood Spurge. Evergreen leaf rosettes bear striking lime-gre... [full details]
Thrives in poor soil and is perfect for growing under trees where little else will grow.A spreading... [full details]
This tall, handsome, shrubby Euphorbia comes from the Canary Islands, but it is hardy in the UK when... [full details]
Thin, shiny black stems topped with frothy sprays of tiny, white, pink-flushed daisies from August t... [full details]