Achillea tomentosa 'Aurea'
£4.90A useful drought-resistant, dwarf Achillea. Bright yellow flower heads above woolly, grey-green foli... [full details]
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A useful drought-resistant, dwarf Achillea. Bright yellow flower heads above woolly, grey-green foli... [full details]
Quite simply the best lemon scented foliage we have ever smelt! The foliage of this aromatic deciduo... [full details]
This Artemisia doesn't really produce flowers (although may occasionally display small, insignifican... [full details]
A shrubby, semi-evergreen Artemisia which forms a bush of upright branches with grey-green, very sc... [full details]
Low bushes of upturned stems carry wisps of ornamental, scented foliage. At its best midsummer throu... [full details]
Slender silver leaves with jagged edges and glistening young shoots. A superb foliage plant. Awarde... [full details]
A spreading plant with finely cut foliage that can be used as ground cover in hot sunny places, or a... [full details]
Compact mats of downy silver grey foliage, very soft to the touch. Ideal for rockery, gravel garden,... [full details]
An excellent shrub for dry sunny positions. Silver shield-shaped leaves form a dense shrub. Small w... [full details]
A very good medium sized Buddleja with violet blue flowers which are honey scented. Each flower has... [full details]
Still one of the best Buddlejas, Black Knight has beautiful dark purple flower lances from July to... [full details]
Probably the Buddleja with the biggest blooms available. Lovely fragrant red-purple flowers which ar... [full details]
A lovely white-flowering version of the common Buddleia. Snow-white, strongly scented flowers which... [full details]
Buddleja loricata forms a evergreen bushy shrub which is fully hardy in the UK and resistant to dro... [full details]
Caryopteris clandonensis ‘Dark Knight’ is a fantastic mid-sized shrub, bearing masses of eye-ca... [full details]
An evergreen shrub with glossy, fragrant leaves and masses of clusters of white, orange-blossom scen... [full details]
A fantastic evergreen shrub with cup shaped white flowers with pale yellow centres from late spring... [full details]
Almost black feathery flowers with hot pink sepals really stand out against the green foliage. An ex... [full details]
This exquisite Fuchsia exhibits smouldering aubergine, almost black coloured corolla cloaked with ne... [full details]
Slender, green-tipped ivory-white flowers appear to drip from the stems of this lovely Fuchsia from... [full details]
An interesting Fuchsia with foliage and flowers not dissimilar to a Lilac. Lots of fragrant purple-p... [full details]
Upright to gently arching stems of this compact fuchsia are laden with an abundance of pendent, rich... [full details]
A superb, long-flowering plant for the border. Pure white flowers, blushed pink, from early summer r... [full details]
Long, narrow silver leaves which have a very strong curry scent with masses of pale lemon flowers in... [full details]
Discovered and named by Beth Chatto, this selection has larger leaves than the type and makes a good... [full details]
This splendid perennial plant from the Lower Danube is not often offered by nurseries in the UK. Rel... [full details]
A lovely flowering semi-evergreen shrub with masses of flowers which have petals of light pink and w... [full details]
A popular shrub, grown for the masses of dark pink, hollyhock-like flowers that smother its branches... [full details]
The winter flowering, shrubby honeysuckle with very fragrant cream flowers that offer rare interest... [full details]
The Tree Lupin. A sub-shrub with highly scented flowers. Still not often seen in gardens in the UK,... [full details]
A sub-shrub with highly scented flowers. Still not often seen in gardens in the UK, this is well wor... [full details]
The white form of the Tree Lupin. A sub-shrub with highly scented flowers. Still not often seen in g... [full details]
A compact and tidy form of Russian Sage, making it ideal for smaller spaces and containers. Soft bl... [full details]
An upright compact shrub which is covered in clusters of heavily fragranced, creamy-white double flo... [full details]
This cultivar of our native raspberry has small white flowers from May to July, followed by occasion... [full details]
Beautiful, narrow silvery leaves in spring / summer which turn golden-yellow in a good crisp autumn... [full details]
A rare British naturalised shrub/small tree with dark narrow, Rosemary-like leaves and with slender... [full details]
A dwarf compact willow with branches which are woolly white when young. Hairy silver leaves with er... [full details]
A lovely dwarf willow with silvery-green-grey foliage and large yellow upright catkins in February a... [full details]
Contorted willow with twisted black stems and bluish-green leaves. Yellow-golden catkins in spring.... [full details]
A wonderful, long flowering woody Salvia. The flowers are loved by bees.Deep purple velvety flowers... [full details]
One of the best shrubby Salvias. Fully hardy in our experience and highly floriferous and with a com... [full details]
The leaves of this amazing sage have a strong scent of blackcurrants and the flowers are a beautiful... [full details]
Dusky purple foliage, equally good for cooking as the ordinary Salvia officinalis. A useful evergree... [full details]
A lovely variegated form of our common Elder. Like it's common cousin, masses of white flowers adorn... [full details]
Very finely cut, almost black foliage, which is the perfect foil to the pink-flushed blooms. Red-bla... [full details]
Forms round dense bushes of silver-grey closely feathered foliage with small yellow button flowers i... [full details]
Soft, feathery, zingy green foliage and creamy white flower heads in July and August. A wonder... [full details]
An attractive dwarf bushy shrub, with bright, lemon scented yellow-green foliage and bright lemon bu... [full details]
A neat, dwarf evergreen shrub with rosemary-like leaves and yellow, button flowers. A lovely fresh-g... [full details]