Acanthus mollis
£5.90Bright green, leafy perennial, fully hardy and evergreen in mild areas. Will grow to about 3-4ft tal... [full details]
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The plants in this category are able to cope with drought once they are established. This means you won't need to spend too much time and energy looking after them and you will save water too.
Bright green, leafy perennial, fully hardy and evergreen in mild areas. Will grow to about 3-4ft tal... [full details]
Bright green, leafy perennial, fully hardy and evergreen in mild areas. Will grow to about 3-4ft tal... [full details]
Silver-grey foliage with flat sulphur-yellow flower heads from June to September. This variety is sh... [full details]
Beautiful blooms which open orange-red fading to yellow with age. Like bricks in an old wall, the co... [full details]
Light green foliage and deep golden-yellow flowers. Perfect for growing towards the middle of a bord... [full details]
Flat heads of bright orange-red flowers with small yellow eyes in May and June. Attractive to polli... [full details]
Beautiful, creamy-white umbels of flowers over green-grey ferny foliage. Shorter than some Achilleas... [full details]
A useful drought-resistant, dwarf Achillea. Bright yellow flower heads above woolly, grey-green foli... [full details]
A low carpet-forming species of Yarrow, quite different from the taller types grown as border perenn... [full details]
If you love hollyhocks but find they are affected by rust, this is the variety for you. Alcea ficifo... [full details]
If you love hollyhocks but find they are affected by rust, this is the variety for you. Alcea ficifo... [full details]
This Hollyhock has lovely primrose-yellow flowers and fig-leaf shaped foliage. Much more resistant t... [full details]
Masses of greenish yellow flowers in early summer, with broad, slightly fluted, sage green leaves.Ex... [full details]
Quite simply the best lemon scented foliage we have ever smelt! The foliage of this aromatic deciduo... [full details]
Masses of paper-white flowers give this the name 'Summer Snow'. The flowers last throughout July and... [full details]
A lovely, very free-flowering, pink Japanese Anemone. which flowers from August to October.Japanese... [full details]
Large semi-double deep rose pink flowers on tall, slender well-branched stems above a mound of large... [full details]
A beautiful form with single and semi-double two-tone pink flowers with yellow centres.Japanese Anem... [full details]
This variety is known for it's large white, slightly untidy blooms, which look a little like whirlwi... [full details]
Spreading mats of neat silver foliage and fluffy white flowers in late spring and midsummer. Perfec... [full details]
Spreading mats of neat silver foliage and fluffy wine-red flowers in late spring and midsummer. Per... [full details]
This high-alpine meadow plant from the Swiss Alps has long been prized in UK gardens for its vibrant... [full details]
A lovely pure white form of this easy garden plant. Happy in sun or in shade where it shows up wonde... [full details]
Lovely dark purple to black pompom-like flowers from spring to summer. Perfect for any border.Will... [full details]
A neat alpine with ornamental foliage year round - a blend of bright gold and green variegation. Ea... [full details]
A beautiful evergreen alpine which is a snowdrift of white flowers in May and June. Perfect for roc... [full details]
This Artemisia doesn't really produce flowers (although may occasionally display small, insignifican... [full details]
A shrubby, semi-evergreen Artemisia which forms a bush of upright branches with grey-green, very sc... [full details]
A woody perennial with finely cut, silvery-grey, aromatic foliage. Its small yellow flowers have lit... [full details]
Low bushes of upturned stems carry wisps of ornamental, scented foliage. At its best midsummer throu... [full details]
French Tarragon, valued for adding a distinctive flavour to salads, chicken and fish dishes. Pr... [full details]
White Mugwort has been a much-valued garden plant since its introduction from China in 1901. Arching... [full details]
Slender silver leaves with jagged edges and glistening young shoots. A superb foliage plant. Awarde... [full details]
A spreading plant with finely cut foliage that can be used as ground cover in hot sunny places, or a... [full details]
Compact mats of downy silver grey foliage, very soft to the touch. Ideal for rockery, gravel garden,... [full details]
Strong, oak shaped silver-white leaves sprawl along the ground. Excellent in dry, sunny positions.Cu... [full details]
A native wildflower steeped in folklore. For hundreds of years it was made into garlands and hung ov... [full details]
Marbled pale green zones on arrow shaped leaves. In spring pale green flowers appear well above the... [full details]
The Italian Arum Lily, brought to this country in 1683. A striking plant with bold cream markings al... [full details]
A fantastic little Aster for a rockery, container or gravel garden. Low foliage which is covered in... [full details]
Rarely seen in this country, this plant from the clover family bears greenish-white flowers above cl... [full details]
A very rarely offered and most unusual plant in the clover family bearing pink and purple flowers ab... [full details]
An excellent shrub for dry sunny positions. Silver shield-shaped leaves form a dense shrub. Small w... [full details]
Aubretia are wonderful alpines which form trailing mats of green foliage and are often seen clinging... [full details]
Aubretia are wonderful alpines which form trailing mats of green foliage and are often seen clinging... [full details]
Aubretia are wonderful alpines which form trailing mats of green foliage and are often seen clinging... [full details]
A wonderful variegated Aubrietia which comes from Germany. Each bright green leaf is sharply outline... [full details]
A very drought-tolerant and hardy matt-forming ground cover for well-drained soil. This slowly creep... [full details]
A great foliage plant that forms compact cushions of small, soft round-shaped leaves on furry white... [full details]
An old favourite with sweet pink double flowers which fade to white as they get older. Easy to grow... [full details]