​Doronicum x excelsum 'Harpur Crewe' (Leopard's bane)

​Doronicum x excelsum 'Harpur Crewe' (Leopard's bane)

Walking around the nursery today, I spotted this amazing plant in flower. Looking at it you would think it should be flowering on a hot sunny day in July, not February! Admittedly it was in a polytunnel so it was flowering a bit earlier than usual, but actually, this Doronicum is one of the few plants in the daisy family to flower in spring. Outdoors, it usually coincides with the last of daffodils and is useful when planted in front of them to mask the unsightly foliage while it dies down.

Large (2-3 inches), bright yellow flowers are held high above the foliage and really brighten a dull spring day. Plants spread to grow into a good clump.

View/buy here: Doronicum 'Harpur Crewe'