Enjoying a wet summer
What a difference a year makes. This time last year we were in the middle of one of the driest years in memory, and we didn't end up having any decent rain until late autumn. This year we've had above average rainfall all year (except for June), continuing into this month. It has not only been good for us growers, but nature is taking advantage of it too. The trees and shrubs in the hedgerows and woodlands are looking better than they have for the past three years (in each of which we had below average rainfall locally), and the ponds and streams are fuller than they have been for quite some time.
These conditions make it a perfect time to plant perennials in the garden. The soil is hydrated and warm from the summer sun. They will get established quickly and be a good size before winter sets in.
At the nursery we continue to propagate, pot and dispatch our plants, most of which have been grown in the UK for years (some for hundreds of years) and are well adapted to our changing weather patterns.
We dispatch orders three days a week, all year round, except for December. Our plants are all well established in at least 9x10cm pots and can be planted at any time of the year.