Erysimum 'Bowles's Yellow' - Hardy Plant Society Endangered Plant
One of our goals is to ensure the continuation of plants which have been grown in British gardens for generations but have become either very difficult, or impossible to source.
This is usually because most Garden Centres now import their plants from abroad and all carry the same limited stock. Even those which buy British raised plants buy from a very small number of UK suppliers, who tend to sell the same range.
Sometimes, as with this splendid Perennial Wallflower, they have reached the stage as being listed as 'endangered' by the Hardy Plant Society.
We are therefore pleased to be able to add little known Erysimum 'Bowles's Yellow' to our offering. As vigorous and easy-going as its Bowles Mauve cousin, it has bright golden-yellow flowers which contrast nicely with dark green bushy foliage.