Native Primula Collection
We are currently offering the three native primulas, Primrose, Cowslip and Oxlip as a collection, at a reduced price. These plants will flower in the spring and early summer and can be planted in the ground or in containers. Click here to buy now.
The true Primrose. Not to be confused with the cultivated varieties of primrose available, this is the native version found in hedgerows and woods across the country. Plant under deciduous (non-evergreen) trees and shrubs, along hedgerows, in the border or in pots.
Pale lemon flowers, with a delicate scent, which were traditionally crystallised at Easter time.
Most 'primroses' sold by garden centres are hybrids. This is the true British 'common' primrose. Now sadly not as common as it once was. Fully hardy and a joy as it's among the first colour of the year. Of great benefit to pollinators on sunny spring days when little else is available to them.
In some regions of Britain they are used as one of ancient woodland indicator species.