St John's Wort
St John's Wort is the latest addition to our range. It's a wild flower which also makes a good garden plant. "It groweth every where in untilled pastures and fields, which are somewhat moist especially, and neare unto the borders of fields." (Gerard's Herball 1597).
If you happen to be a young lady, on the lookout for a husband, you may like to know that to find a suitable chap, you simply need to collect a sprig of St John's Wort, wet with dew, on St John's Day. You will be married within 12 months according to legend.
The young maid stole from the cottage door
And blushed as she sought the plant of power,
"Thou silver glow-worm, lend me thy light
I must gather the mystic St John this night,
The wonderful herb whose leaf shall decide
If the coming year shall make me a bride'.
- traditional rhyme
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Photo by Kurt Stueber, granted to use under GFDL