Viola odorata 'The Czar'
£5.90The leaves are heart shaped and toothed. Each stem carries a fragrant flat faced purple violet colou... [full details]
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Proceed To CheckoutA rare and extremely garden-worthy plant from the windy Azores Islands.
Large sprays of fragrant, creamy white flowers, similar to cow parsley, open above compact stems, bearing leathery, slightly hairy, little-divided leaves, an unusual feature within this group of plants.
Flowers in early to late summer. Beneficial for pollinators.
Drought tolerant and fully hardy.
Forms a good-sized bushy clump and makes an excellent border plant. Grow in full sun or partial shade.
Height and spread: 70cm x 50cm
Photo 1: peganum, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons