Arenaria montana (Mountain Daisy)
£3.90 £4.90A beautiful evergreen alpine which is a snowdrift of white flowers in May and June. Perfect for roc... [full details]
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Proceed To CheckoutAspect: Full Sun
Aspect: Light/Partial Shade
Soil Type: Most Types
Colour: White
A beautiful cultivar of Dierama, with masses of pure white flowers hanging from 'fishing rods', as the common name suggests.
Happy in most soil types. Looks good in a large container or near the front of a bed or border, where the 'fishing rods' have space to hang.
Grassy foliage which slowly forms a good sized clump. Flowers in June, July and August.
Height and spread: 70cm x 60cm
Common name(s): Angel's Fishing Rods
The species Dierama pendulum was first collected in 1772 by the Swedish naturalist Carl Peter Thunberg and has given rise to many wonderful cultivars and hybrids.
Photo courtesy of The Hardy Plant Society