Aster novi belgii 'Blauglut' (Symphyotrichum)
£5.50A superb Michaelmas daisy. Clear, bright, yellow eyed, purple-blue flowers on 40cm high plants durin... [full details]
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Proceed To CheckoutAspect: Full Sun
Aspect: Full Shade
Aspect: Light/Partial Shade
Soil Type: Most Types
Colour: Cream
A British native herb usually found in dry flower meadows and verges. Finely cut, ferny, dark green foliage and coral-pink flower buds which open to fluffy cream flower heads on slender stems in June.
Excellent for wildflower schemes and equally suitable for a border. Loved by bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Suitable for cut flowers.
Height and spread: 60 x 45 cm
The name Filipendula comes from the Latin ‘filum', meaning thread and ‘pendulus’, meaning drooping.
Common name: Dropwort
Note: this is not Water Dropwort, which is a very different plant.