Anemone nemorosa 'Virescens'
£5.90An unusual form in which instead of petals the flower is made up of tight green leaves. The flowers... [full details]
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Proceed To CheckoutAspect: Full Sun
Aspect: Light/Partial Shade
Soil Type: Well-Drained
Colour: Blue
Catmints add a lovely, soft, floppy, gentle touch to cottage gardens. Nepeta gigantea 'Six Hills Giant' has grey-green foliage, which is covered all summer in masses of short spikes of lavender-like flowers which attract lots of bees. Once established, the plant is fairly drought-tolerant. The foliage is very aromatic and, when crushed or bruised, releases a strong lemony scent, hence the popularity of the plant for edging paths. It’s used as a caterpillar food-plant for the pretty mint moth, Pyrausta aurata.
After the first burst of flowers, shear over the growth to get a second crop of leaves and flowers.
Likes a well-drained soil in full sun. Fully hardy unlike some catmints.
Height and spread: 90cm x 60cm
Common name(s): Catmint
Nepeta × faassenii 'Six Hills Giant'
Nepeta × gigantea 'Six Hills Giant'