Verbesina alternifolia 'Goldstrahl'
£5.50An excellent tall, clump-forming border plant. Bright yellow, daisy-like flowers (1-2” diamete... [full details]
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Proceed To CheckoutAspect: Full Sun
Aspect: Light/Partial Shade
Soil Type: Wet / Boggy
Soil Type: Most Types
Colour: Yellow
Lush toothed foliage, similar to Delphinium and large bowl-shaped golden flowers in spring and early summer. Happy in sun or light shade.
A native of Northern Britain and Europe. Gerard recorded in 1597 that is wasn't found in the southern parts of England.
Will grow in any soil that is not too dry, including very wet, so can be grown in a border or at pond margins.
Makes an interesting cut flower.
Height and Spread: 60cm x 45cm
Common names: Butter Basket; Globe Flower; Globeflower; Golden Balls; May-Blob.
Picture: Bartosz Cuber, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons