Arenaria montana (Mountain Daisy)
£3.90 £4.90A beautiful evergreen alpine which is a snowdrift of white flowers in May and June. Perfect for roc... [full details]
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Proceed To CheckoutAspect: Full Sun
Aspect: Light/Partial Shade
Soil Type: Most Types
Colour: Blue
A smaller plant than its relative Veronicastrum virginicum, the strong stems are clothed in tiers of long, lance shaped, toothed leaves. They are best planted at the middle or to the back of a mixed herbaceous border where the flowers add height to the back of a sunny or partially shady border. Deservedly popular.
Long flowering from June to September.
Excellent for cutting.
Native to the mountain meadows and plains of East Asia.
Height: 1.2m
Common name(s): Siberian Culver's Root
Photo courtesy of The Hardy Plant Society