Nepeta nuda subsp. albiflora
£4.90A nice, upright catmint with masses of small white flowers all summer long. Attractive to bees. Goes... [full details]
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Proceed To CheckoutAspect: Full Sun
Aspect: Light/Partial Shade
Soil Type: Most Types
Soil Type: Well-Drained
Colour: Purple
Delicate clusters of small wine-velvet flowers fading slightly to give a two-tone effect. Flowers from mid-late summer. It's attractive to pollinators, particularly hoverflies.
The plants spread slowly into sizeable clumps without becoming invasive. Rightly awarded the Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit (AGM).
It's a good choice for growing in cottage and wildlife garden schemes.
Height: 80cm
The yarrow family has been valued as garden plants for centuries and are useful for their wide range of colour and long flowering season. Most are excellent for cutting and drying and all are loved by bees and butterflies.
Common name(s): Yarrow
Synonym: Achillea 'Summer Wine'