Dianthus 'Farnham Rose'
£4.90Splashes of white and a broad white edging to the mauve-pink petals. Strong scent.Good for cutting a... [full details]
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Proceed To CheckoutAspect: Full Sun
Soil Type: Mainly dry
Soil Type: Moist But Well-Drained
Colour: Pink;"Dates From=20th Century"
A very popular pink raised by Montague Allwood in 1945. Is it said that he did not originally think the plant worthwhile when he grew it from a batch of seedlings so he threw it on the compost heap. A member of his staff rescued it and propagated from it and when Mr Allwood saw it in number, he realised it's true worth and named it after his wife.
Fragrant double pale pink flowers with a darker centre. Petals may also contain stripes or flecks of darker pink. Long flowering season.
Very good in a border and can be used for cutting.
Height: 40cm
Common name(s): Pink; Gillyflower