Buphthalmum salicifolium (Yellow Ox Eye Daisy)
£5.50Yellow Ox-Eye Daisy is not fussy about the soil it grows in. It can be grown in a border or wildlife... [full details]
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Proceed To CheckoutAspect: Full Sun
Soil Type: Mainly dry
Soil Type: Most Types
Soil Type: Well-Drained
Colour: White & Pink
A superb, long-flowering plant for the border. Pure white flowers, blushed pink, from early summer right through into autumn.
A plant for sunny, well-drained situations.
The petals turn pinker as they age. The amount of pink on these flowers can vary (it seems to be temperature related) and the overall impression can at times appear more pink than white.
Height: 1.2m
Gaura lindheimeri was brought over from Texas and Louisiana in 1850.
You may notice spots on Gaura foliage. Dark purple/maroon spotting develops naturally and is nothing to be concerned about. This is a physiological response to changing temperatures and is not disease related. It will lessen and disappear with warmer temperatures and the emergence of new growth.
Synonyms: Gaura lindheimeri; Gaura lindheimeri 'White'