Viola odorata 'Reine des Neiges'
£5.90Usually pure white, although it can be flushed very pale blue. Excellent scent and very long floweri... [full details]
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Proceed To CheckoutRaised as a seedling which appeared in Alice de Rothschild's French garden in 1894 and has been very popular with gardeners since. Large violet-blue flowers on tall stems with a very good fragrance. Early flowering, from early winter into spring.
Grows well in semi-shade or Full Shade with free draining, fertile soil.
Height: 20cm
Sweet violets have been grown for over 2000 years and were the symbol of ancient Athens. Violets were used in cookery in medieval times and strewn in rooms to disguise unpleasant smells. Essential oil is extracted from the flowers and is still used today in the perfume industry.
Common name(s): Sweet violet
Synonym: Viola odorata 'Baroness de Rothschild'
This plant will be supplied in either a 7cm or 9cm pot.