Viola odorata 'Reine des Neiges'
£5.90Usually pure white, although it can be flushed very pale blue. Excellent scent and very long floweri... [full details]
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Proceed To CheckoutAspect: Light/Partial Shade
Soil Type: Mainly dry
Soil Type: Most Types
Soil Type: Well-Drained
Colour: Green
This is the purple-leafed version of the Wood Spurge. Evergreen leaf rosettes bear striking lime-green bracts in late spring and early summer.
It looks lovely in spring with dark purple new growth, then new interest in spring and early summer with the 'flowers' and in winter the evergreen foliage remains beautiful. This really is one of the best euphorbias.
A good choice for growing at the front of a border, but is also suitable for using as ground cover in gardens with poor, dry soil, especially in partial shade.
Height and spread: 30cm x 60cm
Common name(s): Bible Leaf; Devil's Cup and Saucers; Potatoes in the Dish.
IRRITANT to skin/eye, harmful if eaten. Wear gloves and other protective equipment when handling.